Our partner, Shepherd Community Center, is celebrating FORTY years this year! This is their RUBY celebration year.
Shepherd serves over 10,000 neighbors with joy and hope for a brighter future every year.
In 2025, Shepherd is also hosting Lunch and Learns- a free 8 session journey into Shepherds Poverty 101. Poverty 101 is an opportunity to truly understand what poverty is, why it matters, and the assets needed to break the cycle. The 2025 Lunch and Learns will take place from March-October from noon to 1:30 pm and includes a complimentary lunch. You can register for the lunch and learns on their website.
RJS spends at least one day per month spending time at their Shepherd Academy and it is one of our favorite days of the month. We are so proud to call Shepherd a partner and are celebrating their 40 years of awesomeness!